ToolHound User Conference - Oct. 28 to 29, 2025
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ToolHound News & Events

Cloud vs. On-Premise Hosting for Construction Inventory Management

Depending on your requirements and your company, one may suit your objectives better than the other. The main factors that drive the debate between the two are cost, control and customization.

7 Things Your Tool Inventory Management System Should Be Doing for You

An antiquated tool inventory management system can cost your company a lot of time and manpower. Time-consuming, painstaking inventory management systems, such as those that are paper-based or Excel-based, simply don’t offer the level of functionality and service that automated solutions provide.

5 Consequences of Poor Tool Control

Here are five consequences of poor tool control and how implementing an efficient, easy-to-use tool control management system like ToolHound 5 can avoid these concerns.

3 Tricks for Applying Asset Tags That Stick For Years

Originally published by our partner, MetalCraft.

Technology and the High-Tech Job Site

On today’s job site, technology plays a much more valuable role — enabling greater efficiency and safety.

What’s Ahead for the Construction Industry in 2016?

The good news for the construction industry in 2016 is that it’s expected to continue growing overall, with the residential building sector leading the way followed closely by commercial.

Do You Know Where Your Tools Are? Get Started Today!

Lower costs. More revenue. One powerful tool.