ToolHound User Conference - Oct. 28 to 29, 2025
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Tool Purchase and Replacement

The Purchasing Module provides powerful inventory control features that monitors item availability and usage to create purchase orders.

ToolHound Software - Purchasing Module - Mockup
Purchasing Module

Module Overview

ToolHound recognizes that an efficient inventory purchasing management system is a serious priority for many businesses. A critical part of managing your tool crib or store room is consumable inventory purchasing and tool replacement. That’s why we’ve developed the ToolHound Purchasing Module to help you manage this crucial aspect of your business.

The Purchasing Module provides powerful inventory control features that monitors item availability and usage to create purchase orders. The system also tracks these orders, and reports on usage history so that management can make informed decisions regarding inventory purchasing strategies.

The online viewing, receiving and reporting capabilities of our inventory management system are designed to support multiple tool crib/store room locations.

ToolHound Benefits

Features & Benefits

Streamlined Reordering

Replenish inventory using user-defined minimum and maximum quantities.

Receiving Report

Generate receiving reports by supplier and/or purchase order number.

Track Back Orders

View back order reports or completed purchase orders at any time.

Automated Receiving

Entire shipments can be received quickly and accurately with only a few keystrokes, or by using the portable wireless bar code scanner.

Inventory Valuation

Current costs and inventory valuation are always up-to-date. Average cost and last cost are updated upon receipt of new inventory.

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